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Shopping Monitor 2021


As part of its regular annual shopping habits survey, Indago conducted a syndicated survey Shopping Monitor 2021. The research is valuable source of information about the profile of the Macedonian shopper in terms of purchasing food and other consumer products (FMCG).

Responding to their own shopping habits, 38% of respondents said they made a list of products they should buy before going to the point of sale (significantly less compared to 53% the previous year in a pandemic). Half of shoppers (50%) said they bought more than they needed, while the percentage of shoppers who said they bought private brands was significantly higher than last year’s survey – namely over half of respondents (55%) said they bought commercial brands versus 26% last year.



Reasons for choosing main retailers

For most shoppers the most important criterion when choosing the main store (point of sale where they usually shop) is the value for money – almost half (48%) of shoppers stated value for money as the reason for selection and  for 17% of shoppers this is the first mentioned reason. The range of products and the proximity of the point of sale (to their home or workplace) are the other two reasons for choosing a ‘main’ store. Proximity to home or work is cited as the first reason mentioned by about a quarter (27%) of respondents.


On average, the Macedonian shopper spends 13,725 denars per month to buy FMCG products, of which approximately half is food (51%). Compared to last year’s research, the monthly costs for consumer goods were significantly reduced by 1,763 denars. This is probably due to the partial “return to normal”, i.e. the reduction of the purchase of a larger quantity of products for home use, which was characteristic during the pandemic.



Methodological note
The Shopping Monitor survey  was conducted in April 2021 on a representative sample of 1000 people responsible for households purchase of food and other consumer goods (FMCG).

Why use Shopping Monitor:

  • If you want to have more more insights about relevant shopper segments depending on significant motivations for general shopping
  • To get an detailed picture about Macedonian shop per purchasing power and spending
  • To help you understand what are the strong & weak point of retailers from consumers point of view
  • To identify the most important criteria when choosing a store
  • To understand the attractiveness of the retail brands

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