Elizabeta Markovska Spasenoska
Senior Performance Monitoring and Learning Specialist
Email: beti.spasenoska@indago.mk
Elizabeta Markovska Spasenoska has 20 years of experience as organizational development and performance improvement consultant in Macedonia and on regional level. Elizabeta has a rich practice in the field of research and analysis, monitoring, evaluation and organizational development for CSOs, public and private institutions. She is experienced in desk research, surveys, FGDs, interviews, data processing in SPSS, Excel and qualitative data analysis. She holds a MS in Human Resources Management from the University of “St. Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research.
As MEL Specialist, Elizabeta is responsible for leading and managing performance monitoring under USAID Local Works Program’s MEL Activity implemented by Indago . Elizabeta conducts data quality assessments in accordance with ADS 201, lead/oversee MEL data, including baseline data collection, compilation and analysis of performance indicator data, conducting other data analysis, formulating project-level MEL plans, and ensure the quality and utility of performance monitoring data.